For the 8 days we were without the use of our Samsung 61-inch DLP HDTV, we were relegated to watching this 20-inch non-HD TV and soon started having eye strain TRYING to view and read the screen!
FINALLY on October 16, 2008, the new color wheel arrived. Here is a view from one side.
Here is a view of the new color wheel looking into the top of the housing in which it is mounted.
To give you some idea of it's size, here is the new color wheel with Cathy's hands.
The back of our Samsung HLR-6167W 61-inch DLP HD TV before we removed the back panel.
Here is a closer view of the back panel before we removed it.
After removing 14 screws, the back panel is off.
Here is the video projector sub-assembly that we will have to pull out to get at the color wheel assembly.
Joe and I examine the video projector sub-assembly to see what we need to do to get it out.
I start to pull out the video projector sub-assembly.
Here is the video projector sub-assembly pulled out of the main chasis.
The color wheel housing assembly is the ribbed aluminum cover in the center. The black object on the left is the projector lens, and the flat aluminum object on the right is the top of the projector lamp housing.
Here is a close up view of the top of the color wheel housing.
Joe is removing the screws to release the top half of the color wheel housing which holds the color wheel.
Here is the old color wheel, and you can see how it had shattered.
Looking down into the bottom half of the color wheel housing, you can see the shard remnants which we will have to clean out.
Here is a close up view of the shard remnants in the bottom half of the color wheel housing.
Joe is examining the new color wheel for any dust or dirt.
Joe uses compressed air to blow off some dust from the new color wheel.
Joe very gingerly puts the new housing top and color wheel into place.
Joe seats the new housing top and color wheel firmly into place.
The video projector sub-assembly is now all put back together with the new color wheel.
Joe puts in the final screw to secure the video projector sub-assembly into the main chasis. The actual work took us about 1.5 hours. Now let's test it to see if it works.
It worked the first time! After a minor calibration adjustment in the Service Menu, we now have our beautiful 61-inch HDTV picture back. No more eye strain!!