The main visitors center of the Shumei International Institute located deep in Baca Grande at the foot of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains.
Our group begins it's tour of the Shumei International Institute led by our guide, Mikio, at the front of the group in black.
Looking up the driveway to one of the residence buildings for the staff of Shumei International Institute.
A close up of the residence building for the staff of Shumei International Institute.
Joe and Jesse view the stone wall, which our guide, Mikio, pointed out was originally built 130 years ago for the gold mine. The bottom half of the wall is original and the top half was added about 6 years ago when the Shumei International Institute acquired the property.
Our tour group ascends the stone stairs.
Solar electric panels provide about 10% of the the Shumei International Institute's electrical power needs.
Abbey Road? No, just Mom, Jesse, and Joe crossing on stepping stones across the waterfall.
The upper part of the waterfall with solar hot water panels in the background.
A close up of the small waterfall with the solar hot water panels in the background.
The beautiful multiple waterfalls and garden with natural wildflowers.
Mom, Jesse, and Joe listen as our guide, Mikio, explains the amphitheater at the Shumei International Institute.
A view looking down into the amphitheater at the Shumei International Institute with the San Luis Valley in the background.
A panoramic view of the front of the Shumei International Institute with the San Luis Valley in the background.
Our tour group in front of the residence builing at the Shumei International Institute.
This is Mikio's dog lying in the yard next to the residence building.
A very interesting cairn in the garden next to the residence building.
Outside the healing center of the Shumei International Institute is a fountain used to cleanse the hands and then the inner body (by taking a drink) before entering the healing center for prayer.
Jesse, Joe, and Mom perform the cleansing ritual before we enter the healing center.
Our tour group enters the healing center of the Shumei International Institute where we participated in a Jyorei healing prayer ceremony led by our guide, Mikio, and two other Shumei devotees.
This was the only picture I was permitted to take inside the healing center. This is a traditional Japanese taiko drum located to the right.
Joe and Jesse stand at the entrance to the former gold mine on the upper level of the Shumei International Institute grounds.
Joe and Jesse enjoying the really cool breeze coming out of the gold mine entrance.
A panoramic view from the upper level of the Shumei International Institute with the San Luis Valley sprawled out in the distance.